Drug testing these days is a common thing, especially for employment. Many large Fortune 500 companies require these drug testing’s for anyone who wants to work for them. Also, when you work for a government agency that is related to safety or transportation, a drug test is not just a good idea, but it’s also necessary, as per federal law. If you do find yourself facing a drug test and realize that you may need to pass it and you are unable to, then you may be wondering if you can pass a drug test. Marijuana is one common recreational drug that is legal in some countries but not in the US, unless it were for medical reasons in some states. Marijuana has THC, which is what gives people a “high”. Passing a drug test with THC screening is actually one of the easiest types of drug tests to pass. Passing a drug test with THC usually involves waiting for a period of time for the drug traces to exit the body. If you’re a light user or have only used it once, then the drug can leave your system in as little as 12 hours, depending on your metabolism.

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    April 2013

